Auspicious Acoustics welcomes you to THE VERY CHERRY MAGIC ACTIONS, a HEALING-JUSTICE-CENTERED ENGAGEMENT for the Angel Baby Constellations on SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Auspicious Acoustics Sound Sanctuary in Xučyun (Huichin), Ohlone Territory aka El Cerrito, CA.
to The Very
Cherry Magic Actions

"Our intention is to create paradise for all loved ones of the Angel Baby Constellations to be in collective celebration of the divinity of our Ascended Young Ones."
Cherry's Mommy, La Madre Tiarra
تشري حبيبي جوريمة لودونيو عمر الين نوكس
Cherry Habibi Jurema Lodoño Omar Allen-Knox
A Message from Cherry's Mommy, La Madre Tiarra
"In February 2023, I gave birth to my first child, my beautiful Baby Girl. My Angel ~ her name is Cherry. After 41 weeks of pregnancy, before Cherry's arrival earthside, my sweet Baby Cherry ascended to the Ancestral Realms.
"Cherry Magic" is very old, and existed long before Cherry's birth. I am an educator, and for years, I saw Cherry Magic manifest in the bliss of the thousands of children I've served. I've seen Cherry Magic in the the delight of an epiphany, in the enchantment of a story, in the wisdom of innocence, in the alchemy of a rites-of-passage, & in the essence of every child's joy.
Upon Cherry's conception, and particularly with her ascension, I began to observe a new evolution. I've seen Cherry Magic in the geometries of a daffodil; i've felt it in the libations of tears and in the victories of transmutation. Cherry Magic is regenerative - it is in the new generation iridescent on every leaf of every forest luminous under the shine of a new day. I rejoice upon finding Cherry Magic in the resonances of supreme acoustic harmonies - because when I listen, I can hear Cherry sing.
Cherry Magic is for ALL of us. In this context, Auspicious Acoustics names our first retreat "Cherry Magic" in honor of our Beloved, and also as an expression of the magic available to all who have been chosen to know love in this way. Our intention is to create paradise for all loved ones of the Angel Baby Constellations to be with the power that has come through - to be in collective celebration of the divinity of our Ascended Young Ones."
-Auspicious Acoustics Sound Steward,
Cherry's Mommy, La Madre Tiarra

Angel Baby Constellations
"You will always
be my baby."
- Cherry's Grandmother Fadwa to Tiarra
Angel Baby Constellations (ABC's) are expansive family structures made up of the Angel Children and all who love them. There are no age limitations in the Angel Baby Constellations. If you are a Mother, Grandmother, Brother, Father, Sibling, Auntie, Cousin, Best Friend who has experienced the ascension of a child at any age of their development, these actions are brought forth in your honor.

The Very Cherry Magic Actions
@ Auspicious AcousticsSound Sanctuary
Sunday November 3nd, 2024
10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Xučyun (Huichin) Ohlone Territory aka El Cerrito
Auspicious Acoustics’ Sound Sanctuary is located in Huichin, Unceded Ohlone Territory, aka El Cerrito, CA.
The Sanctuary is a sacred heart space. Per sanctity, location shared upon registration confirmation.

The "Why" is in the Wonders
There are innumerable loved ones of the Angel Baby Constellations.
Where are our playdates? Our pray-dates? Our rituals? Our ceremonies?
This retreat is a healing-centered engagement for the ones who have been chosen.
It is a prayer to remember the ways of the rebirth doulas; to embody the healing we seek for all our generations.
In partnership with BIPOC elders and well-established community healers - through community altar building, ritual sound performance, joyful celebration, consciousness-raising facilitations - we will
be with the wonders:
How might we elevate our ancestors through remembered rituals for nurturing our own hearts?
What wonders are possible when the Angel Baby Constellations come together to be with beauty and the complexity of their positionality?
What is immortal awareness, and how might we look to the intuitional wisdom of our grandmothers to honor and embrace our loved ones in the Spirit Realms?
How might the Angel Baby Constellations' collective prayers polish the portals of our spiritual networks and cosmic family structures?
...just to name a few.
"What excites me about Cherry Magic is imagining a grieving parent experiencing one or both of these retreat days, or learning about the work and knowing there is a place for them; knowing they are cared for and loved beyond measure as they are. I want members of our constellation to see and hear the complexity and beauty of their positionality as grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or chosen family member to an ascended young one reflected back to them as valid and holy."
Cherry's GodAuntie, Nakachi Clark-Kasimu

We give thanks to the Great Spirit, the Ultimate Source; to the Ancestry, and the countless guardians, guides, elders, spirits, beings harmonizing in service of the best and highest good.
We welcome and give thanks for abundance offerings in the forms of prayers, well wishes, and resources. Follow the links above to send love to Cherry Magic.
Tiarra & Ry-El, Cherry’s Mommy & Daddy, Auspicious Acoustics

Cherry Magic is powered by
the Ancestry and Auspicious Acoustics
all rights reserved, Auspicious Acoustics 2023